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Sunday, May 07, 2006

David Bowie!

Taken with the A520 digital, cropped in CS2 as well as minor color/level adjustment. Love it. Now.

Collierville.. is gorgeous. I love it down there. The Fair at the Square is awesome and so are the Tennessee Toe Tappers. Alicia, you and the rest of the team did amazing. It's really cool and I like it a lot. Oh yeah, and I now have 4 rolls of film to develop. :-D Woohoo! Two B&W's and two colors (UC's! Woo!). But I was a moron and forgot that 400UC's are 36 exp. rolls.. I used 24 exp. of the 36. n00b.... Anyway, I can't wait to get them developed. Yay!

Taken with the Yashica, BW400CN, cropped in CS2 from original.

Currently Listening To: Yngwie Malmsteen - Now Your Ships Are Burned - Rising Force - 1984


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